Parham Afkar

Parham Afkar

Free software is software that respects your freedom and the social solidarity of your community. So it's free as in freedom.

"Richard Stallman"

Free Software Advocate

Cloud Developer




System Administration

Proficient in creating and managing virtual environments with VMware Esxi, KVM, Proxmox and Virtualizor.
Experienced in using Docker and LXC for application deployment.
Skilled in managing containers with Kubernetes.
Capable of automating system tasks using Ansible and Chef.
Experienced in implementing CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins and GitLab CI.
Software Deployment
Installing, configuring and maintaining servers and networks
Overseeing system performance and troubleshooting issues
Creating a backup and safeguarding the data
Monitoring and maintaining network servers
Ensuring high-level security and efficiency
Analyzing system logs
Applying operating system updates, patches, and configuration changes
Installing and configuring new hardware and software
System performance tuning
Configuring, adding, and deleting file systems
Plan and manage the machine room environment
High Availability And Clustering
Analyzing and bug detection
Penetration testing
Server Security
Skilled in using object storage for sensitive data management.


Free Software NOT as in `free speech,` NOR as in `free beer`

As a DevOps engineer, I receive 403 Error over and over again every day! Even though I use VPN and proxy, some services still block my access because...


نحوه دریافت گواهینامه SSL رایگان با قابلیت wildcard

اینجا میخوایم باهم یادبگیریم که چطوری برای خودمون بدون هیچ هزینه‌ای و بدون نیاز به هیچ مراحل خاصی گواهینامه SSL بگیریم و سایتمون رو HTTPS کنیم (البته بدون گواهینامه هم میشه HTTPS کرد ولی خطای امنیتی نشون میده)...


نحوه کانفیگ HTTPS در وب سرور انجینیکس | Nginx HTTPS Server

برای فعالسازی HTTPS روی وب سرور انجینکس باید پارامتر SSL رو داخل کانفیگ قرار بدیم تا فعال بشه...



Get In Touch

Parham Afkar